Surprise – this really is my year!

With my #fmsphotoaday challenge, I try and think ahead for some of the photos. Today’s was ‘surprise’ and I couldn’t for the life of me think what on earth it could be. Then it happened ‘SURPRISE’! I woke up this morning to an email telling me I had been successful in my application for a property I had put an application in for. AWESOME!

There were over 40 people at the property viewing and there was a queue outside. To be honest, I nearly walked away without seeing the place and then I nearly didn’t put the application in. I thought I was wasting my time. Clearly not. You do have to just keep trying.

To add to the surprise, my landlord has reduced the rent for me, as he felt it was too much for a single person to pay. AWESOME! When does that ever happen? I knew this would be my year.

I decided I had to do something with all this positive energy and set the next challenge for 2013, and then I recevied an email. eHarmony were inviting me to join for three months at a reduced rate. So I signed up and trawled through my matches (rejecting the majority and ‘smiling’ or sending eHarmony communication to some). Fingers crossed someone tall, dark and handsome responds soon.

My last online dating encounter didn’t exactly go well. I was talked in to joining POF (Plenty of Fish). Apparently this is a very popular site in the UK and everyone from my hometown is on it. So I gave it a go. The responses fell into the following categories

Cute (and cheesy):

“You need to be on here as much as Adele needs to be on x-factor”


“Hey there .. There is an alert in town ..An angel is missing … Looks a lot like u …Should I alet the authorities and collect my prize :)”

A little shocking:

“My name is Sam. I’m 38 and recently single. At the moment I’m just looking for a regular ongoing “friend with benefits”. I’d love to catch up with you if your interested.”


“Like a sexy chat?”

Downright outrageous

“Does it matter if I’m married?”


“may i lick ur arse????”

I’m hoping that this time round, I’m pleasantly surprised by someone rather than just totally shocked!

Our new house.  Yay!!

Our new house. Yay!!

Yesterday was plain awful

Annie was one of my favourite musicals as a child.  I knew it word for word, had the soundtrack and sang and danced my way around the house (often, I’m sure, annoying my Mother).

Yesterday I had some bad news.  Before Christmas I had applied for an apartment to rent (in Sydney, the rental market is pretty tough, if you’re a single female with a large dog and limited budget, it’s even tougher).  I was hoping for good news.  I found out, by looking on the real estate agent’s website that they had leased the apartment to someone else.  No email or phone call to let me know.  Nothing.  This follows them calling my manager to ask details about my salary and to confirm my job was secure.  Details I don’t really want to give to just anyone.  They received the best reference in the world and still, they gave the house to someone else.  It made me angry (that they hadn’t bothered to contact me).  Then it made me sad.

Today’s #fmsphotoaday is “heart”.  When I heard the news that I didn’t have ‘my’ house, my heart broke a little bit. 

One black, one red.  One bad, one good?

One black, one red. One bad, one good?

But then, I remembered two things:

  1. This is my year.  I will not let these things get to me.
  2. As Annie and Daddy Warbucks sing in the final song, “Yesterday was plain awful, you can say that again.  Yesterday was plain awful, but that’s, not now, that’s then.”

Then, just when I was feeling better I read about someone else who was suffering from a broken heart. A heart far more broken than mine. After reading Cilla and Jessie’s story, I held my own fourteen year old puppy a little closer and said a little prayer for Cilla’s owner, Jodie and companion Jessie.

Here’s to 2013 bringing some better news (and a bit of luck) our way.  Our paths may be stormy but there must be sunshine ahead.

Don't confuse your path with your destination.  Just because it's stormy now doesn't mean that you aren't headed for sunshine.

Don’t confuse your path with your destination. Just because it’s stormy now doesn’t mean that you aren’t headed for sunshine.

Putting a wrong, right

Today’s #fmsphotoaday title is ‘something new’.  It’s the second of January, and the second day of my year.  I have returned to work but, that isn’t new.  That is in fact pretty old and sitting here at my desk, it certainly feels very old (and boring).  So I got thinking, what in my life is new?

I have a new attitude and I am feeling very positive about the days ahead.  I’m sure there are a lot of people feeling like that though.  I found myself looking up, around and finally down, when it struck me.  I’m wearing something new!  My gorgeous flame haired best friend sent me some beautiful lingerie all the way from London.  Today, I am wearing it, and my boobs look good!  Very, very good (even if I do say so myself).

Now I’m not looking to turn this blog into ‘that sort of blog’ (do they exist?) so the photo is actually of the beautiful earrings I was sent alongside the lingerie (sorry guys)!

A beautiful pair of earrings from my flame haired friend in London

A beautiful pair of earrings from my flame haired friend in London

Without someone to show it off to, new lingerie is certainly a luxury and one that I really enjoy.  I’m not wearing it to draw attention, but because it makes me feel good.  That’s not to say, I wouldn’t enjoy the right kind of attention if it came my way.

Last year, I discovered that I had unwittingly drawn the right kind of attention without realising it. I met up with a ‘friend’ who I had travelled with.  We met and spent three months travelling through 19 countries, with 39 other ‘strangers’ in 2007.  We hadn’t seen each other since.  Whilst we were travelling I had a boyfriend, and in no way tried to draw attention to myself or get other boys’ attention but, it seems I had drawn the attention of the most eligible (and unobtainable) bachelor on that trip.

To meet five years later and discover that this strong, passionate, determined man still held a flame for me was just the ego boost I needed after a horrific break up.  Our fling was brief and ended with a drunken text message that I sincerely regret sending (come on, we’ve all done it).

On New Year’s Eve, the day before I started writing this blog, I received a facebook friend request from one of this man’s best friends.  I messaged back explaining that I didn’t think he had the right person and that I didn’t think we’ve ever met (we definitely haven’t).  Then I messaged my unobtainable man and asked him about the message from his friend.  He always replies (even since the drunken text mistake), but there has been radio silence.

Being a person who overthinks things until I know the reason behind them, I can’t get this out of my head, and have come up with three options as to what has happened (of course, I had to try and see the possible good in all that happens, so option number two, is pure fantasy):

  1. A genuine mistake – there was another girl who looks similar with a similar name and we got confused somehow.
  2. Does he still think about me? Could it be that my unobtainable man was talking about me in a positive light?
  3. The stalker – Has this      friend just looked through the friends of the unobtainable man and asked any girl of a certain age to be his friend?

In reality, number one is probably true.  I hope beyond hope, that it is definitely not number three! Best case scenario, it’s number two and 2013 will give me the opportunity to put a wrong, right. Why not? After all, it is my year.